Greetings!  We are glad you are here.  We are a congregation that loves the Lord and loves people and desires to be used of God to make more disciples!  Please feel free to look over our website, read Pastor’s blogs, or hook in to an online service. 

Also, we would love to see you in-person at worship!  We have three opportunities for in-person worship.  We worship at 6:30pm on Wednesday evening and 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  We have Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 a.m. 
We hope to see you soon!  
God bless!

Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study

EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT AT LCOOS  Please join us in the Fellowship Hall from 5:00 pm—5:30 pm.  Prior to the Wednesday night Bible Study.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY STARTS WEDNESDAY September 6th at 5:30—6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall. So please come early and have some pizza with us from 5:00pm—5:30 pm. Then join us at 5:30 pm as Graham Bartholomew leads us in a Bible Study of ACTS. He said it’s going to be laid back and enjoyable. Then we will all worship together at 6:30pm. 

Thursday Notes 2/20/25

CHOIR PRACTICE – TUESDAYS at 7:00 pm.  Please join us as we “Make a Joyful Noise unto The Lord!” No experience is necessary.  All you need is a love for Jesus! If you have any questions, please speak with Ali Brown. 

LADIES BIBLE STUDY – FRIDAY, February 28th via Zoom.  Please join us as we continue to read “Discerning the Voice of God”  by Priscilla Shrier. Watch for the Zoom link in your email.

MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST – SATURDAY, March 1st at 8:00am in the Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome to join us for a morning of worship, fellowship and a delicious breakfast.

E-72 – SATURDAY, March1st at 10:30 am.   Everyone is invited to join us as we go through local neighborhoods praying for our neighbors.

BIBLE STUDY- SATURDAY, March 1st at 1:30 pm. Please join us either in person in the Bible study room across from Pastor’s office or via Zoom as we continue reading “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.”

2ND SATURDAY SOCIAL – SATURDAY, March 8th (rescheduled from February 8th) This was a sold our event!  If you are signed up for this event, please confirm with Heather Donaldson that you will be attending.

LWML MEETING – MONDAY, March 10th at 7:00 pm via Zoom.  All ladies are invited to attend. Please watch for the Zoom link in your email inbox.

LWML SPRING RALLY – SATURDAY, March 29th, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at Peace Lutheran Church in Washington, DC. If you’d like to attend, please speak with Rosa Ammons.

LWML CONVENTION – June 26–29, 2025 in Omaha, Nebraska.  This year’s theme is “Growing in God’s Grace.”  More information is available on the LWML Website and in Thursday Notes (see attached flyer) Printed flyers are available at the LWML station in the narthex of the church. Registration is March 1st —April 30th 2025.  f you have any questions, please speak with Rosa Ammons.