Greetings!  We are glad you are here.  We are a congregation that loves the Lord and loves people and desires to be used of God to make more disciples!  Please feel free to look over our website, read Pastor’s blogs, or hook in to an online service. 

Also, we would love to see you in-person at worship!  We have three opportunities for in-person worship.  We worship at 6:30pm on Wednesday evening and 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  We have Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 a.m. 
We hope to see you soon!  
God bless!

Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study

EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT AT LCOOS  Please join us in the Fellowship Hall from 5:00 pm—5:30 pm.  Prior to the Wednesday night Bible Study.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY STARTS WEDNESDAY September 6th at 5:30—6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall. So please come early and have some pizza with us from 5:00pm—5:30 pm. Then join us at 5:30 pm as Graham Bartholomew leads us in a Bible Study of ACTS. He said it’s going to be laid back and enjoyable. Then we will all worship together at 6:30pm. 

Thursday Notes 10/10

EXTRA BOOK – We have one extra book for the new Bible Study that Pastor is doing – ” I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist” by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek. If you are interested, please let me know. It is $13.

CHOIR PRACTICE – TUESDAY AT 7:00 pm. We will be rehearsing for the Christmas Season. If you’d like to join us,. Just show up. Everyone is welcomed.

LCOOS YOUTH OUTING: SUNDAY, October 20, 2024. Bowles Pumpkin Farm and Corn Maze. Our reservations are for 2:00 pm. Families are invited to join us at the farm. Tickets are $13 per person for a group of 15 or more. LCOOS will pay for the LCOOS Youth. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex.

LWML SUNDAY: SUNDAY, October 27th at both services. The LWML Ladies will be ushers and acolytes during both the 8:30 am and 11:00 am services. Please wear purple to show your support of the ladies of the LWML.

INTERNATIONAL POTLUCK SUNDAY: SUNDAY, October 27th at 1:00 pm. We will be celebrating the many culture God has brought together here at LCOOS. Please bring a dish to share that showcases the beautiful heritage and culture from which you were born. Please join us for an afternoon of fellowship and delicious foods. If you have any questions, please contact Rosa, Shea or Beth

HARVEST FESTIVAL: -THURSDAY, October 31st, 6:00 pm —8:00 pm. Kids are asked to wear a non-scary costume and join us for an exciting fun filled time. We will have a clown, pony rides, games, prizes and food. We will need 8 people to decorate their cars for Trunk or Treat and people to run the games. Be on the lookout for the signup sheet. Also, we will need candy….Lots of candy! Please remember all candy must be individually wrapped. BJ’s and Sam’s Club has some really good prices on candy. If you are able to donate a bag or 2, please leave it in Pam’s office. Thank You!


-LCOOS YOUTH “FRIENDSGIVING” – FRIDAY, November 15th. We will be cooking a Thanksgiving meal for the youth.


-LCOOS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY – SATURDAY, December 14th at 12:00 noon.

BOGO #1 is on the actual Second Saturday of October– (This Saturday October 12th) and will be the Corn Maze at Bowles Farm. We WILL carpool there for those desiring as it is a 50 minute drive. We ask those who would like to carpool to be at the church BEFORE 12 pm on 10/12 as we WILL be leaving at 12 pm. Admission is $15 and can be paid cash or card. Those who would like to meet us there can meet us in the Concession by 1 pm as we’ll kick off our day with lunch (cash only; ATM’s will be there) and visit the cupcake house (cards and cash accepted), some corn maze action and perhaps a hayride afterwards. There are also opportunities for a petting zoo and picking out and purchasing a pumpkin. We will be leaving the corn maze by 4 pm. Any questions please contact Heather Donaldson

BOGO #2 is on the Third Saturday of October 19th — (boo hiss confusing I know but actually we did the same thing last year as the Farber’s are WORTH the WAIT)! Please bring a dish to pass to the Farber’s who live in Waldorf to go along with the Oktoberfest theme. Dress for the outdoor temperatures. There will be an outside fire as well to enjoy. Any questions please speak with Heather Donaldson

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – Every year we are blessed to be able to join with Samaritan’s Purse and fill “Shoe Boxes” with toys, school supplies, and personal care items for children in need around the world. These special boxes are joyfully received by boys and girls from 2-14 years of aged. For some children this is the first gift they have ever received and others the only gift they will get. Whether sending or receiving, those touched by Operation Christmas Child testify to the power of a gift-filled shoebox given in Jesus’ name. Boxes are on the table in the narthex. There is also a brochure that explains exactly how to fill them. All boxed must be returned to LCOOS by the end of worship on Sunday November TBD. No boxes can be accepted after that. If you have any questions, please speak with Heather Nault.